Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 7 Project Bodywriting

Next Project Bodywriting Dates
                                   Aug 4, Sept 1, Nov 3
Come join the art community!

Our first Project BW was on July 7.  It was great to have a reunion  of Bodywriters and their prints!  They brought many of their ongoing prints.  It's hared to believe but some Bodywriters have participated in Bodywriting 8-9 times! 

It was easier for the participants who just went through the Bodywriting process in June to move back into their body prints.  They did some dialog with the prints, asking what it needed next and then jumped right in.
 Some Bodywriters had been away from their prints for a year or two. (YIKES) They became reacquainted with their prints through journaling and movement. 

One woman realized, after being away for so long, that she was a completely different woman!  She found out that the print was also ready for a new direction. So the ideas that she had made notes about, and was going to move forward with a year ago, suddenly took a whole new direction. 

We always need to bring what is present in our lives to our art work or it actually becomes WORK and then we find ourselves forcing ideas/ trying too hard.  If we come to our art just as we are with honesty, curiosity and acceptance, then we can find that we are granted the blessing of stepping into, what Julia Cameron calls "gentle but powerful" co-creation with the image. XPamela

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